Friday, March 26, 2010

Hi everyone! ...Spring is here!!

beautiful mistake in my studio

Hi everyone! Sorry it has been ages since I last posted, two!  I have been increasingly busy but wanted to make sure to pop in to give an update. I also want to apologize for being MIA from visiting your blogs as well. 
I miss visiting all of you!

This is just a pictorial post showing some of the things I've been up to...

this (work-in-progress) painting was prior to my trip to Arizona ~ Me thinks I had the desert on my mind...she is titled: 'My Aboriginal Self' and is a 16 x 20 mixed media on canvas.

Sunrise my first morning there...ahh

outdoor wedding in AZ 

taking an old black/grey weather worn window and giving it a nice patina! 
and a shelf...

Ali *creating* a snowman after the last major snowfall

getting the art table ready for 3
Logan painting a volcano!
Ali (God I LOVE her auburn hair) 
Amidst these busy times taking time out to *reflect* and *meditate* is necessary...

My waterfall ~ the largest of several...oh the lovely sounds they make when flowing...a sanctuary in our own backyard.  As I write this post at my desk I am looking up and my view is of this waterfall. 

See You Soon!

all photos by Calli ~ 2010 


Gary Keimig said...

Good to have you back Calli. Rejuvenated and ready to go I am sure.

Dulçe ♥ said...

WOW... You see? you have all the elements with you to get inspiration!

Lovely pictures, so peaceful and fulll of love!

steveroni said...

Absolutely LOVED the photos--ALL of them...however, when I eyed that waterfall as viewed from your desk--
well, suddenly (I'm sorry!) I forgot all the other pics. STUNNING--and from your DESK!

A Peep could live with that, as long as there was an availability of heat!

Calli, it is Soooo nice to see you back here. You WERE missed!


Caio Fern said...

you are here !!!
i am sure that not just me but lots of people have missed you .
but HEY !! you're back and in great style !!
what a wonderful wonderful wonderful post Calli !!
so many great photos , cool works ... and that first photo !! perfect . i am jealous ;) i wish i've made that . hahah!
i liked the sketches a lot .

it is really good to have you back .
all the best for you Calli .

Calli said...

Thanks so much Gary! Definitely rejuvenated! :)

Dulce~ Lots of inspiration in the little that it's that simple! Thank you darlin' :)

Oh Steve~ Thank you my friend! Isn't that waterfall smashingly gorgeous. I wish it flowed all year but only during those very watery moments ~ And, it is very good Feng Shui if you face your desk outward into a room vs. facing a wall, if you can.

Caio~ You are so, so nice! You make me smile! :) Many thanks for your wonderful comment. You have also been missed.

*You were all missed and you make me smile on this sunny saturday morning! and thank you all for visiting!

Unknown said...

really love the picture and the painting

Zuzana said...

Lovely to read a post from you again.;)
I love all the pictures, but I mostly envy you your waterfall. There is something so soothing and tranquil in the sound of water...
Have a lovely weekend,

Calli said...

lilasvb~ Merci! and so great to see you visit again. I'll be making my rounds soon! Love to see what you are up to!!!

Oh Zuzana~ I have thought about you and wondered how you were doing with Spring's arrival. Thanks so much! That waterfall and winding creek is what made my humble home a castle. I adore the tranquility of hearing it flow, especially if it flows during a good rain in the summertime.

Hope to stop by very soon! Until then...

Serena Lewis said...

Hi Calli!!

I loved all the pics in this post....especially the 'aboriginal self' painting. The weather worn window looks fantastic with the patina finish! What a precious view you have from your much inspiration around you.

I look forward to more of your wonderful posts. :)

Calli said...

Hi Serena~ Great of you to stop and leave such a smile inducing comment ;)
My waterfall is but a trickle right now, but always an inspiring sight! :)