Saturday, January 31, 2009

Khaled's Artist of the Month...

I am very flattered and honored to post that Khaled from Khaled KEM has chosen me for his 'Artist of the Month,' to appear on his blog for the month of February.

This was a very pleasant surprise. Please visit Khaled's blog as it will be a treat. His blog truly inspires and his love of family, art, poetry and life is wonderfully apparent.

~ Calli

*He chose to display a watercolor painting of mine titled: World Karma 2

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Lemonade Award...

Khaled from Khaled KEM has gifted me the Lemonade Award! Many thanks to you, Khaled!

The Lemonade Award is for sites which show great attitude and/or gratitude!

Rules for the award:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Nominate your favorites and link to this post.

I have nominated the following gems among us:

Tracey-Ann @ Pensieri Senza Colore

A'Jay @ Random Thoughts of Life

Karen @ Keeping Secrets

Steve @ Another Sober Alcoholic

Paul @ Paul Chambers

Katie @ Rainbow Dreams

Noelle @ A Portrait of the Human Heart

Cynthia @ Epiphany: End Note

Maithri @ Soaring Impulse

Victoria @ Chest of Fairy Tales

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.

Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."

~ Albert Schweitzer

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

posting errors....

A bit of an html code issue here on my last 2 posts have somehow, magically combined...Very strange to me. I soon realized the problem, deleted the last post and re-posted it to avoid the problem, or so I thought. If anyone has any ideas on how to resolve this issue, please do write me and let me know.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

comes the light...

"One thing that comes out of myths is that at the bottom of the abyss comes the voice of salvation. The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light."

~ Joseph Campbell

image source: Rendez vous nr.3 by Floriana Barbu * one of my favorite photographers

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Defeat, despair, emotional turmoil, a crisis of faith; we all go through these moments at one time or another. If we are defeated then it implies that we have indeed put up a good fight, does it not? I think we tend to be hard on ourselves and don't give ourselves enough credit when we manage through the hard times. Self-love, self-care, self-respect, self-preservation; all necessary to survival. The key to always remember is that we do persevere, we are strong, we will survive and "this too shall pass."

~Calli © 2009

image source: Sconfitta by William Blake

*Sconfitta is the Italian word for Defeat

meet you there...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

deep night...

I stand

And suddenly understand

That you, Deep Night,

Surround me and play with me,

And I am stunned ...

Your breath comes over me.

And from a vast, distant solemnity

Your smile enters me.

~Rainer Maria Rilke, "The Vast Night"

image source: deep night by momentdream on flickr

Saturday, January 10, 2009

longfellow on love...

There is nothing holier in this life of
ours than the first consciousness of love
--the first fluttering of its silken wings
--the first rising sound and breath of
that wind which is soon to sweep
through the soul, to purify or to destroy.


love continued...

An excerpt from Joseph Campbell's 'The Power Of Myth' with Bill Moyers.

MOYERS: So joy and pain are in love

CAMPBELL: Yes, Love is the burning point of life, and since all life is sorrowful, so is love. The stronger the love, the more the pain.

MOYERS: But love bears all things.

CAMPBELL: Love itself is a pain, you might say--the pain of being truly alive.

*very true...and with that, even far truer: Love is not an emotion it is our very nature." A favorite quote by Ravi Shankar

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

the eternal optimist...

As I look back on 2008 and on the present, I feel optimistic that this year 2009 will be a wonderful extension of a journey, one of my choosing, and one of joy. I have been told many a time that I look at life through rose-coloured glasses and my response is, "yes, but I feel I have the far better view." Better in the sense that it is a positive vs. a pessimistic view. Pessimism is an easy trap, I know, I've lived that, but the best thing we can do in this troubled world and troubled times is to share our positive thoughts and energy and prayers and in turn it changes us, makes us more positive and if enough of us live like this, the vibrations of all cannot help but be lifted. Like attracts like. Goodness begets goodness. It's all good. And, know this, I am not forgetting the fact that we all have our pains, our sorrows, I am simply stating that we need to set that aside and put our thoughts consistently in a better place. I know that is a difficult thing for many, but it works. I have used affirmative prayer for a long time now. The mind is a wondrous thing. We are mind, the mind of God, we are an expression of God so therefore we have the power of God and his grace within us to create; create life, create a more positive existence for ourselves and for others. A glowing and beautiful presence is necessary. It is healing and a simple way to give to the world. It is all possible and I will leave you with an affirmative prayer, a meditation, if you will:

I sit here in the presence of goodness, of kind, knowing in my heart and in my soul I am in partnership with God and am therefore capable and able through my God given gift of free-will, to help create positive energy in this world. My life is a gift and a gift to be shared with as many souls as I can. I am in control of this. I spend my energy on goodness, and in kind and in doing so feel I am doing my part in lifting the energy of a burdened world. For those that are in a position of not having choice, my heart is with you and the shoulder of the universe and God are there for you as well. Be still in the peace and grace of God. We can be the change we wish for in this world. And so it is!

~ Calli © 2009

I know God is many things to many people. I use the term God most of the time. I was raised and baptized a Catholic and have always referred to God as God. God is known by many names: Universal Mind, Higher Power, Spirit, God-Mind, The Father within, et al. I am not intending to offend or impose my beliefs on anyone. I am just feeling this is a New Year and I am setting my intentions in a more positive direction. From an ancient vedic seer: "The world is as we are."

An excerpt taken as food for thought from a wonderful book by Deepak Chopra called: How To Know God ~ The Soul's Journey Into The Mystery of Mysteries.

In the midst of danger, you suddenly feel cared for and protected.

Spirit is being revealed through fight or flight.

You deeply fear a crisis in your personal life, but when it comes, you experience a sudden calm.

Spirit is being revealed through restful awareness.

A stranger makes you feel a sudden rush of love.

Spirit is being revealed through the visionary response.

An infant or young child looks into your eyes, and for a second you believe that an old soul is looking at you.

Spirit is being revealed through intuition.

Looking at the sky, you have a sense of infinite space.

Spirit is being revealed through unity.

*This is a reminder to open our eyes and use our five senses and beyond that, use our God sense and maybe take a look at life through rose-coloured glasses.

image source: Optimism by LevT

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Shed those tears

Let them fall where they may

Sometimes, we just need to cry.

Tears of Joy

Tears of Sorrow

Tears are Universal,

We all have them in common.

You, me, man, woman and child

All of us.

If we never experience sadness or sorrow

Loss or disappointment

would we then be able to recognize?

The Beauty, the Joy, the Love or the Light!

That is our Divine right!

Or the Unconditional Love

That feeds Your Soul,

My Soul,

And the Soul of Humanity.

~ Calli © 2008

This is not a poem in the traditional sense, simply thoughts written down a long time ago to express our need to let those tears fall and fall where they may...