Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have decided to spend more time sculpting. This is my very first attempt at the human female form. She is very rough, raw and ragged, though I like her this way. I am drawn to sculptures that are pristine and smooth and lovely, but to me the rough natural sculptures attract me as well. The second photo is a bit blurry but shows the detail with her hair. It's all an experiment, but I am truly enjoying working in clay. It is so relaxing to sit at my drafting table and just work wijavascript:void(0)th the clay in my hands. It is truly meditative. This work-in-progress came about rather quickly and was spurred on by my playing the soundtrack to one of my favorite films 'A Good Year' in the background...I love so many of the old French songs on it. I love Charles Trenet...

The third photo is of my latest painting titled: A Shared Bond ~ This is also a work-in-progress.

I hope to continue to post some of my works-in-progress...hope you enjoy!


A'Jay said...

Pretty Damn good for a first attempt Calli... How do you start? do you have a model or a picture?.. how long do you work at it each session... I can imagine how you would easily get 'lost' in the process that would be medative... keep posting cause it will be interesting for us to see your progress...

Calli said...

Hi A'Jay~ Thank you! I started by taking a 25 lb slab of clay and slicing off a one inch layer off the top. I then tore pieces to make the base the figure is leaning against. I then took more clay and came up with her right leg and it just went from there. I don't use a model or a photo. She is a figment of my imagination. Her face just came about naturally, and I know she doesn't look very happy :( I tend to let my faces come of their own accord...This session lasted about 45 minutes...I have sculpted things like crosses before but never a human form. I've so much to learn but I love the process!

Catvibe said...

Oh Calli, I love the sculpture, and I love the painting. What kind of clay? I was trying with a friend to use porcelain the other day, and I decided not to use that delicate medium anymore. I'd love to try some other more pliable kind...a little more forgiving for a novice like me.

Calli said...

Thanks so much, Cat! I use Amaco Off White Sculpture, Raku Clay No. 27. It's a moist clay and definitely forgiving to work with. I'd actually call it grey in color. I buy it in 50 lb boxes at a local gallery.

You'll have to let me know how you make out! Have fun with it! :)

steveroni said...

"I hope to continue to post some of my works-in-progress...hope you enjoy!"

Please...and do not wait so long netween, I realize you are busy...but, yes we/ I enjoy!!!
Steve E.

Wish I could do stuff like that--hey I COULD!

Rainbow dreams said...

Your painting and your sculpture are so expressive. I see the meditative qualities in both. Where will you get it fired? My husband has brought home clay in the past for us to 'play' with and then he takes it back to school and adds it in with his students work the next time he fills the kiln there..but not sure where we'd go otherwise..
please do keep posting - it's looking good

Calli said...

Oh, Katie, thanks so much! I try! Interesting that you asked about 'firing' as I have just started to work that out. I am about 7 miles from a major Ceramics University and we have many ceramic artists in the area, so I hope I can find a place to rent kiln time or research making an alternative version of one ;)

Calli said...

Hey Steve, Thanks for your interest in seeing my progress. I will be sure to continue to post. And, I am certain you COULD! Give it a try!... We are ALL creative beings!

Karen said...

I love your sculpture! I tried working with clay once and it looked like something a kindergartener would do! Not as easy as it looks!

You're truly creative and talented!

mystic rose said...

Oh wow. I am quite amazed by the sculpture and the painting. I wish I could.

Linda S. Socha said...

BEAUTIFUL Incredible in fact.
I love them both Calli. I could get lost in looking at them.....
Love to see the progression

Cynthia said...

The sculpture is amazing, a woman

Calli said...

Karen~ Mystic Rose~ Linda~ and Cynthia

Thank you so much ladies! You've all said some wonderful things and I appreciate it very much. Hope to post updates soon.

P.S. I also hope to make the rounds to all of your pages soon. Seems it's been a bit hard to keep up with everyone lately :)