Monday, January 25, 2010

new paintings to be found at...

hope you'll visit me there ...

and to all of you who stopped by 
and commented so generously on my interview with Cynthia of:

thank you so much...


Dulce said...

Just beacuse you are a love dearest!

Lovely art you are creating


Christine Robinson said...

Beautiful and meaningful work, Calli. Your art says so much and it's fascinating to read what's in your mind as you create.

We rebuild our personal and creative strengths when we put our hearts and vulnerabilities into our art. Art, I have found, is the most faithful lover of all...always there inside us; always giving, even in silence; always mutually beneficial.

Thanks for sharing.



Secretia said...

It is we who thank you, Calli!

Sincerely, Secretia

Renee said...

Goodmorning dear Calli hope that you are having a good day.


~MCJArt ~ said...

Great emotion Calli ~ thank you for sharing ~ MC ~

Suicide Barbie said...


Calli said...

Dulce ~ and you are also a love...thank you always! :)

Christine~ That is a lovely comment, thank you. You are so right. We do rebuild through our art. It took me many years to see the necessity in that.

Secretia~ hugs and more thanks!

Renee~ You brighten my place each time you visit. I hope your day has been good to you and yours...xoxo

MC~ Thanks so much! :)

Suicide Barbie~ aww, that put a smile on my face, thanks!

laughingwolf said...

good'un, calli :)

Ily said...

Beautiful painting and beautiful blog. From the header photo, to the music, to the links...everything I see makes me want to come back (and never leave). ;)

Calli said...

Thanks, laughingwolf :)

Nevine~ I appreciate that very much.

Calli said...

lly~ Not sure what happened to your comment. I just found it last night. Thanks so much!...I hope you'll visit often.

Sir Thomas AKA (Winters Reaper) said...

the painting strikes a thought in me... Indain girl in peril...

come by and check out my new blog... No winter here so i have more on...
I use to be Winters reaper, now refer to me as Sir Thomas