Monday, November 16, 2009

her time will come...

sheltered she remains
for she is safe
from hurt
from pain
from heartache
though she endures a secret pain
for she is not sharing that part of herself that is even more deeply 

 she nurtures in the home
yet dreams of being the one nurtured
though, one thing comes before the other
at least for a time...

her time will come 
of this she knows
and for this she will be ready...


image source: Mother_child_ by Howard Weingarden
this one is titled:  Out_ of _body_ journeys 

*I am enthralled by his beautiful drawings and visionary art...
zoom in for the full-effect


Caio Fernandes said...

so clear ... i know this ...

wonderful way to write this situation/feeling Calli .

i saw you have dogs . very similar my lhasa apsos ( i have just 4 ...) .
aren't they cool ?

the slides of paintings . i just saw now .
there is something on the images of the women that are very involoving . it has power .

thank you for all .
see you Calli .
always a pleasure to visit your blogs .

Dulce said...

Oh my!! Can you read between my lines or this is just casual?

I don't know it seems everything I read today is especially dedicated to me! And i'm not being pretentious... just that it makes sense in my heart and soul so very well...


Thank You My Friend
Love You!

Sweet HUGS!

PS and I L O V E that new picture in your heading!!!!

Laura said...

Awesome poem and great pictures...they fit together quite well. I will be ready too :) my SOS.
P.s I miss when you aren't writing as much...I look forward to each and every masterpiece from you. Love and Light to you.

Steve E. said...

Calli, I zoomed on the Weingarden. And I wish you to understand, I see more of paintings, drawings, art work on your blog and related links, than I do during a whole morning spent in a well-curated museum. And for these things I'm grateful.

And I'm ALL INTO your poem, of waiting, and when it happens you will be ready to accept what God has by then sent you.

And you know, He does not require us to guess, for God is quite clear about what he gives, and what he wants.

Shadow said...

the drawing are quite exquisite. and there is such comfort and wisdom in your words...

luthianelendil said...

Beautious Calli. You join with women spirit universes. We sing yet quietess (aye!?? quietess?) We sing yet quietess all times and we sing with other spirit who some more close than other to we own spirit. We sing allone yet quiet... and more loud and less fearing with that one most close spiritus. Calli is a special spirit and her one close spiritus has hand out to her, but have not seen where she is till when? Not knowing, but knowing he there. and now you be nurture you because you wise and strong.

You make such beautious and give my heart happy. I tell Callie as favour beatuious that Lutea is loved by that one spiritus and she believe Callis one stands close as a picture you not yet see with your eyes. Always hope for he is so close.

thank you careful understand me difficult way to speak!!


luthianelendil said...

I still think of you this right now and wishes that I say this to you of earliyer: The heart-soul of man that you will find will strove to gain the heart you give him. Do not give it until all fear in you heart were silence. And then give the whole heart of Calli.

In you beautious writing is the old sad which you had in life, the now curing and maintaining to you in present, and the so greatest love in your future.

Be sure that man heart-soul you will see is him for that you wait… and then, and then Calli shall flies in his arms and holds most close your heart-souls together.

(tryed the internet translate machine. it stupider than my lovers dog.)

Deb Kirkeeide said...

I think we have all felt these exact feelings at one time or another.
You seem to speak for many.

I love this art. It's beautiful - I will have to find more!

Karen said...

What beautiful artwork! Of course, you know that I'm the one enthralled with mother-child relationships right now, so I couldn't help but be attracted to the art...but also, Calli, your writing reminds me of the role of women throughout the ages. I know not all women do it, but so many of us spend our lives nurturing while yearning for nurture. We give and give and give. I have been there, but I have also learned this: (I was going to use my own words, but these came to me, and I don't know if I can say it any better) "The love you take is equal to the love you make."

We women are blessed with the responsibility and the ability to love and give. When your children are grown, you'll have more than enough time. Right now, you're doing the most important work of heaven.

Calli said...

Thanks Caio! So cool, your dog breed! I had thought those were large dogs. I have 1 dog named Oliver. He is a Havanese and looks exactly like a Lhasa Apsos. My dog's breed originated in Cuba. They have a fabulous history. If you're interested check it out here:
maybe, I should get him a little lhasa apsos for a partner in crime! ;0

Dulce~ Seems we have much in common, sweet friend, but then we already knew that! ...I love when I come across something someone wrote that feeels as tho' written for me. Thanks dear girl!

Laura~ As always, many thanks, my SOS. I hope to post more. I have several waiting in draft form and I am resisting the urge to do my 2 for 1's, 5 for 1's etc, like a bargain shopper...;) love & light to you~

Steve~ You are always so kind and generous. You inspire me to paint more and more, especially women that go by the name of Red! ;) ...I treasure your comments...hugs!

Shadow~ Aren't those drawings fantastic? Love the detail...and thanks dear girl!

Lutea~ Thank you so much for such beautiful words. Your insight is... very intriguing. Be well! be happy! ...oh, and loved the comment about your lovers dog...;)

Deb~ Yes we have, we have all experienced these feelings as Mums!
...and sorry I should have posted a link to his artwork. Tremendous detail...thanks again, I always love your visits!

Karen~ When I found that image, I so had you in mind. You are right and the time will come when its right. Funny, for me I have one grown and two growing. 15 years between the eldest and second eldest. I started over, I guess you could say. It is the most important job on the planet! thanks dear friend...:)

Love all your comments! You guys are great! ♥ Calli

Bonnie, Original Art Studio said...

My senses are vibrating! Your words, the exquisite images, the new header (she is looking a little more joyful!), the whole ambiance here is so ethereal - lovely.

I always leave wondering how much is your imagination and how much is your life. I know it is never either/or . . . but I wonder how much is you . . . not that I really want an answer, for mystery is part of the delight of what you do.