Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Library Kiss...

Library Kiss…

Oh, this reading, researching, resonating with that which is!
Mind all aflutter with numbers, theories, philosophizing!

I am as disheveled as these shelves
Each part of myself scrambling
To match your beat! …mmm, take off
Your glasses, Oh, what a treat!

This is tantalizing, Baby!

This readying myself, rectifying my needs -
Now relishing YOUR readiness!

Mmm, I must throw down these old books,
Ideas and beliefs!

Pull you to me!
Devour your lips with sumptuous greed!

Getting back to the basics!

With this our Library Kiss!

© Calli 2009

image title: Library kiss


Chuck Dilmore said...

wow - sweet fire!
someone is rev'd and supercharged!

nice, nice writing!
(how many pens did you burn through?)


Steve E. said...

Been there. Done that. Lotta fun! Long time ago. Some things ya just never forget, though! Right, Calli?

Song: "Thanks For The Memories..."

SarahA said...

All I can say is...I am going to the library...right now!

Karen said...

I love "getting back to the basics." That'll have a new meaning the next time I hear it! LOL

I like all of the alliteration in this.

Printemps said...

As a researcher...bookish, I am at the moment lol!....

I needed that break and you gave me that through that writing...

Stealthy Pic!

Shadow said...

heat, lovely heat!

John-Michael said...

To have known such Moments ... and then have them revisited upon my Consciousness ... is rich ... and Delightful. Thank You!